23/Jul./2009 = Edge of the World List = \[X( |WB(uncoB J[heLXgAt[o[EeLXgAV Crouton Y ALeonA**OAMB @iFJ[heLXgA10[\L @BIWi_ABj @uEdge of the WorldvA1996N}itFX^EQ[~OERxVXebJ[ZbgB @ZbgA]AWotCF_AT[hEp[eBJ[hEZbgEB @XebJ[Au[X^[EpbNBAN}itFX^slXg[igAizB @uEdge of the WorldvXebJ[AB @}itFX^Q[RAN[uRB}WbNXebJ[AEQ[ERxVB = Edge of the World = "E" v90(17A17A17A17A16A_4Ayn2) 1 Abyssal Cloud 2 Armor of Shadan 3 Assassin's Guild 4 Astral Falcon 5 Azazel 6 Balm of Shadan 7 Beast Tamer 8 Book of the Dead 9 Breath of the Dead 10 Chaos Beast 11 Chronos 12 Cloak of Illusions 13 Control Enchantment 14 Creature Hack 15 Cruel Fate 16 Deja Vu 17 Demon Forge 18 Diplomacy 19 Discordant Imp 20 Druid's Guild 21 Dust Devil 22 Edge of the World 23 Edgewood Wolves 24 Elberach 25 Elven Farm 26 Empath Healer 27 Exothopter 28 Faerie Pipes 29 Fire Familiar 30 Flame Geysers 31 Flaming Boomerang 32 Frog Curse 33 Giant Beetle 34 Glass Goblin 35 Gorgon 36 Grab Grass 37 Healer's Guild 38 Hydron 39 Instill Artifact 40 Knowledge Demon 41 Lancemen 42 Lone Wolf 43 Master Counter 44 Meak Bears 45 Mimic 46 Miser 47 Misfire 48 Mist of Lethe 49 Moat Monster 50 Morph 51 Munchskull 52 Mushroom Forest 53 Mutate 54 Necrolink 55 Numkin Pixie 56 Oodlebug 57 Orcish Informant 58 Over the Edge 59 Pandemia 60 Philosopher's Stone 61 Pit Beast 62 Planar Stalker 63 Prism of Illusions 64 Prismatic Aura 65 Purify 66 Pyron 67 Rat Caves 68 Reshechi Cat 69 Sacrificial Beast 70 Sanctuary 71 Sand Viper 72 Shadan 73 Shadow 74 Shadows of the Dead 75 Slaves of the Pit 76 Soul Leech 77 Spirit Wall 78 Statue 79 Sylph 80 The Fated 81 The Machine That Builds Itself 82 Thieves' Guild 83 Time Barrier 84 Trick or Treat 85 Warmonger 86 Wizard's Ban 87 Wizard's Guild 88 Wonderland 89 Wood Nymph 90 Writ of Conscription Abyssal Cloud h[_ Jeff Brain EoW P N[`[ -- ~Xg(Mist) (0/1) BB: regenerates. 1: Put a +1/+0 counter on Abyssal Cloud; use this ability only at the end of a turn during which Abyssal Cloud regenerated, and only once per time Abyssal Cloud regenerated. {}FAbyssal CloudB@AIXebvJnA{P}xBAAbyssal Cloud +1/+0 JE^[PuB -- Armor of Shadan hV_Z David Heigho EoW R G`g For each point of damage you take from spells and permanents controlled by any opponent, put a Conversion counter on Armor Of Shadan. 0: Remove a Conversion counter from Armor Of Shadan to add W to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. Rg[p[}lg_[W^AP_AArmor of ShadanconversionJE^[PuB Armor of ShadanconversionJE^[PF}iEv[{}B -- Assassin's Guild hEMh Maha Shamiyeh EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) 1BB: tap target land Assassin's Guild enchants to change the text on target non-wall non-artifact creature by adding "tap: sacrifice this creature to bury target creature with a lower casting cost than this creature." G`g(yn) {P},G`gyn^bvF(Wall)A[eBt@NgN[`[PB^[Iu{s},N[`[F_}iERXgN[`[N[`[PAjBvB "Killing's easy - if you don't mind getting caught." hElP|||CB Astral Falcon h Lisa Neher EoW R CX^g Put a Falcon token into play under your control. Treat this token as a 1/3 white creature with flying and banding. ohs (1/3) t@R(Falcon)EN[`[Eg[NPoB "It came out of nowhere. And I sent it back there." -Samana hoBB |T}i Azazel hAU[ Vincent Stevenson EoW Q N[`[ -- f[(Demon) (4/4) While Azazel is in your hand or in play, you must play with your hand face up on the table. Tap Azazel if you have no cards in your hand. AzazelDADJvCB AzazelA^bvADAAzazel^bvB DAAzazelRg[[A^bvEXebvA^bvB "I had not even begun to summon him, yet, already, I felt his presence..." -Parallax hnOAAc |pNX Balm of Shadan hV_p Maha Shamiyeh EoW P CX^g For each 1 spent in addition to the casting cost, prevent up to 2 damage to any creature or player. May have multiple targets. Balm of ShadanRXg{w}xB ]N[`[vC[gA^[A^_[WwQ{_A]UyB Shadan healed the sick, but not with his hands. He found a rare shrub in Edgewood with amazing curative powers. hV_alABXfB Beast Tamer hbt Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW R hN[`[ -- t(Tamer) (4/4) If Beast Tamer attacks and is not blocked, it gets -2/-0 until end of turn. Beast TamerUubNA^[I -2/-0 CB "Music? No, I use a whip." hyHB@gB Book of the Dead h Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW R A[eBt@Ng 1: Remove target card in your hand from the game and remove target card in your graveyard from the game, to draw a card. {P},DJ[hP,nJ[hPFJ[hPB Turn the pages slowly. They are numbered. like your days. hy[WBBOlB Breath of the Dead hf Vincent Stevenson EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) Target creature gains +2/+0. If Breath Of The Dead is in your graveyard at the beginning of your upkeep, you may pay 2 to bring Breath Of The Dead back into your hand. G`g(N[`[). G`gN[`[ +2/+0 CB AbvL[vJnABreath of the DeadnA{Q}xBABreath of the DeadDB -- Chaos Beast hb Maha Shamiyeh EoW wQ N[`[ -- r[Xg(Beast) (3/3) Flip a coin X+1 times when Chaos Beast comes into play; for each toss you win, put a +2/+2 counter on Chaos Beast; if you lose any of the coin tosses, return Chaos Beast to owner's hand, and Chaos Beast may not be cast again this turn. Chaos BeastoAARCw{PBRCAChaos Beast +2/+2 JE^[PuBRCAChaos BeastI[i[DA^[AOsChaos BeasttJ[hvCB -- Chronos hNmX Vincent Stevenson EoW R hN[`[ -- m(Mage) (2/2) Tap: Remove one counter or token (of any nature) from target permanent. Cannot destroy permanents represented by counters or tokens. {s}Fg[NOp[}lgPBuJE^[PB To you, it all seems so solid and real. But all you've really built are sandcastles in an hourglass. hOASmBmzAB Cloak of Illusions heO Lisa Neher EoW CX^g Choose a color; target permanent becomes that color until end of turn. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep. FPFIB p[}lgPBA^[IIFB ^[AbvL[vJnAJ[hPB Drink of Lethe. and you will forget who you are. But bathe in it, and it is others who will forget. hNYA[eBAAlYB Control Enchantment hG`gxz Mark Dong EoW Q G`g -- I[(Aura) Gain control of target enchantment; target of enchantment does not change. Pay U during your upkeep or bury Control Enchantment. G`g(G`g). AG`gG`gRg[B AbvL[vJnA{}xAControl EnchantmentB "Anything that is yours may someday be mine." -Parallax hOAB |pNX Creature Hack h David Heigho EoW CX^g Change the text of target spell or permanent by replacing all instances of one summon type with another summon type. For example, you may change "All goblins gain mountainwalk" to "All wizards gain mountainwalk".垂直日時計を作る方法 Creature Hack cannot change a creature's actual summon type. Pp[}lgPBAN[`[E^CvPASN[`[E^CvPuBiAuSSuvuSEBU[hvBji^CvsBj -- Cruel Fate hS Lisa Neher EoW Q CX^g Pay 3 life to bury all lands, creatures, and artifacts, that came into play this turn. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this loss of life. Cruel FateRXgR_CtxB ^[oASA[eBt@NgSN[`[SynjB On the day that you were born, they sentenced you to death. hOAOYB |[^J[hB Deja Vu h David Heigho EoW P \[T[ Remove target card in your graveyard from the game. Then choose target card in your graveyard and shuffle that card and Deja Vu into your library. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep. nJ[hPAnJ[hPBOADeja VuCu[B ^[AbvL[vJnAJ[hPB -- |[^J[hB Demon Forge hF Lisa Neher EoW Q G`g 2: Sacrifice a creature during your upkeep to put a +X/+0 counter on target creature, where X is the sacrificed creature's power, and to put a +0/+X counter on target creature, where X is the sacrificed creature's toughness. {Q},N[`[PFN[`[PA +1/+0 JE^[wuA+0/+1 JE^[xuBwN[`[p[lAxN[`[^tlXlB\AAbvL[vNCB -- Diplomacy hO David Heigho EoW \[T[ All players' life totals are set to 20 life. Effects that prevent or redirect damage cannot be used to counter this change of life. Diplomacy can only be cast before all players have finished their 5th turn. DiplomacyASvC[T^[IB SvC[CtQO_B -- Discordant Imp hsaCv Jeff Brain EoW P N[`[ -- Cv(Imp) (1/1) B: Target creature loses banding until end of turn; tap: Target non-wall creature can't be assigned as a blocker this turn. {}FN[`[PB^[IohB {s}F(Wall)N[`[PB^[AubNB -- Druid's Guild hhChMh Lisa Neher EoW P G`g(yn) 1GG: tap target land Druid's Guild enchants to change the text on target non-wall non-artifact creature by adding "tap: untap target land. Play this ability as an interrupt." {P},G`gyn^bvFA[eBt@NgN[`[PB^[IAu{s}FynPAA^bvvB -- Dust Devil ho Jeff Brain EoW P CX^g Put a Dust Devil token into play. Treat this token as a 1/3 red creature with "Creatures blocked by Dust Devil don't untap as normal during their controller's next untap phase." uN[`[ubNN[`[ARg[[A^bvEXebvA^bvv (1/3) Dust-devilEN[`[Eg[NPoB Even ashes will one day turn to dust. hDPoB Edge of the World hE Lisa Neher EoW Q G`g([h) Just before damage is dealt in combat, bury and non-flying creature blocking or blocked by a creature with a higher power. N[`[Agp[N[`[ubNAgp[N[`[ubNAN[`[jBB The proud warriors of Malta hold ritualistic duels at the Edge. The loser falls to his presumed demise. h}^mAsBsAB Edgewood Wolves hXT Lisa Neher EoW Q N[`[ -- T(Wolf) (2/3) 0: Put Edgewood Wolves on top of owner's library. Use this ability only when Edgewood Wolves goes to the graveyard from play. Edgewood WolvesSAEdgewood WolvesI[i[Cu[uB They must be fought with stealth and magic, or their dying howls will call another pack to avenge them. hB@BAiAQQB Elberach hGxN Lisa Neher EoW Q `N[`[ (2/2) All your creatures' ability activation costs are reduced by 1. In no case will the activation cost be reduced below 1 mana. Activation costs of 0 are unaffected. Rg[SN[`[\NRXg{P}BNRXgPBNRXgO\eB -- Elven Farm hGt_ Jeff Brain EoW Q G`g -- I[(Aura) 1: Tap target green creature you control to gain 1 life. G`g(yn). {P},Rg[N[`[P^bvFP_CtB The wealthy of Malta had their meals imported. Their servants made do with foodstuffs tended by druids and tamed beasts. h}^xAHABgplAhChbHgHB Empath Healer h Lisa Neher EoW P N[`[ -- NbN(Cleric) (1/3) 0: Empath Healer gets -0/-1 until end of turn; prevent 1 point of damage to a creature. Cannot lower Empath Healer's toughness below 0 using this ability. {O}FN[`[PBEmpath HealerAEmpath HealerA^[I -0/-1 CA^[A^_[WP_yB The empaths took the suffering of others upon themselves. Few can carry that burden for long. hAlBd^B Exothopter hOks@B Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW O A[eBt@NgEN[`[ (2/2) s. Pay 2 during your upkeep or bury Exothopter. AbvL[vJnA{Q}xAExothopterB Parallax had a basic distrust of nature, but he liked flowers. So he built mechanical bees. The Exothopter came much later. hpNXAR{IMBDA@BInoBOks@BAB Faerie Pipes htFA[J Sean Marshall EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) 0: If you control target non-wall creature Farie Pipes enchants, tap that creature to gain control of target 1/1 creature. Lose control of this creature if Farie Pipes leaves play or if you do not control creature enchanted with Farie Pipes. G`g(N[`[). G`gN[`[^bvF(1/1) N[`[PBG`gN[`[Rg[N[`[ARg[BFaerie PipesAG`gN[`[Rg[AN[`[Rg[B -- Fire Familiar hg Jeff Brain EoW P hN[`[ -- g(Familiar) (3/3) All damage Fire Familiar deals to a blue creature is reduced to 0. Fire Familiar cannot block blue creatures. Any player may discard a blue card as a fast effect to bury Fire Familiar. Fire FamiliarN[`[^S_[WyB Fire FamiliarAN[`[ubNB vC[CX^gAJ[hPBAFire FamiliarjBB -- Flame Geysers ho Vincent Stephenson EoW w \[T[ Take X burn counters and distribute them any way you like among any number of target creatures and/or players. At the beginning of your next main phase, each burn counter deals one point of red damage to the creature or player that has it, and is removed from the game. ]N[`[vC[gBburnJE^[wA]zuBCEtFCYJnAN[`[vC[AuburnJE^[PAP__[WBSburnJE^[B -- Flaming Boomerang hRu[ Vincent Stephenson EoW P \[T[ Flaming Boomerang deals 1 damage to target creature or player. Instead of discarding Flaming Boomerang, put it back in your hand; you may not cast it again this turn. N[`[PvC[PlBFlaming BoomerangAP__[W^BFlaming BoomerangX^bNnuAAFlaming BoomerangI[i[DB^[AOsFlaming BoomerangtJ[hvCB "Uh, nice throw. Boss, but... who's gonna catch it?" hA{Xc@AN~H Frog Curse h^ Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW G`g -- I[(Aura) Target non-green non-artifact creature Frog Curse enchants becomes a 0/1 frog with no special abilities (treat it as if its card text were blank). Other enchantments on target creature are unaffected. G`g(N[`[). G`gN[`[AA[eBt@NgAS\ (0/1) ^(Frog)N[`[BG`gN[`[G`gG`gN[`[eB "She turned you into a frog?" "Well... I got better." huJGHv ucv Giant Beetle hb Vincent Stephenson EoW Q hN[`[ -- b(Beetle) (2/4) All damage dealt to Giant Beetle is reduced by 1. Giant Beetle^S_[WP_yB Once, some believed that the world was a plate on the back of a gigantic beetle. Well, one look over the Edge disproves that theory. hAEbwMBOA__B Glass Goblin hKXSu Jeff Brain EoW Q N[`[ -- Su(Goblin) (2/1) Glass Goblin deals 1 damage to all creatures when it goes to the graveyard from play.ときにライト兄弟が飛行機を作成しました Glass GoblinSAGlass GoblinAeN[`[P__[W^B -- Gorgon hSS[ Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW Q hN[`[ -- SS[(Gorgon) (2/4) B: Target creature blocking or blocked by Gorgon now counts as a wall. Mark this change with a counter. {}FGorgonubNAGorgonubNN[`[PB(Wall)AhqB Parallax's statue garden was of unparalleled beauty. The same could not be said of his gardener... hpNXABt... Grab Grass hD Maha Shamiyeh EoW R N[`[ -- (Wall) (0/1) Tap: Target non-flying attacking creature is considered blocked. This creature deals no damage in combat this turn. hq. {s}FsUN[`[PBubNB^[AN[`[_[WUB -- Healer's Guild hMh Japji Khalsa EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) 1WW: tap target land Healer's Guild enchants to change the text on target non-wall non-artifact creature by adding "tap: Prevent one damage to any creature or player." G`g(yn). {P},G`gyn^bvF(Wall)A[eBt@NgN[`[PB^[IAu{s}FN[`[PvC[PlB^[A^_[WP_yvB -- Hydron hfb Vincent Stephenson EoW Q hN[`[ -- fb(Hydron) (2/2) 0: Sacrifice Hydron to counter target red spell. This ability is played as an interrupt. If Hydron is targetted by a red spell or permanent controlled by any opponent, draw a card. HydronFPAB HydronRg[\AJ[hPB Like the ocean, she'll carry you, 'till you drown. hCA@B@MB Instill Artifact h David Heigho EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) At the beginning of your upkeep, remove all energy counters from target artifact Instill Artifact enchants. During your upkeep, put an energy counter on this artifact. 0: Remove an energy counter to untap this artifact. G`g(A[eBt@Ng). AbvL[vJnAG`gA[eBt@NgGlM[(energy)JE^[SAenergyJE^[PuB G`gA[eBt@NgenergyJE^[PFG`gA[eBt@NgA^bvB -- Knowledge Demon hmf[ Lisa Neher EoW R N[`[ -- f[(Demon) (*/*) Knowledge Demon has power and toughness equal to the number of cards in your hand. Knowledge Demonp[^tlXADB Knowledge is power, And toughness. hmB@^tlXB Lancemen h David Heigho EoW N[`[ -- m(Soldier) (2/1) 0: all creatures blocking or blocked by Lancemen lose first strike until end of turn. W: Lancemen gains +1/+0 until end of turn. Use this ability only once per turn. U. {O}FLancemenubNALancemenubNN[`[A^[IUB {}FLancemenA^[I +1/+0 CB\Ae^[PNB -- Lone Wolf hT Lisa Neher EoW P N[`[ -- T(Wolf) (3/3) Lone Wolf may not block any creature which is blocked by any other creatures, and no other creatures may block a creature blocked by Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf may not attack in a band. All creatures blocking or blocked by Lone Wolf lose banding until end of turn. Lone WolfAN[`[ubNN[`[ubNB SN[`[ALone WolfubNN[`[ubNB Lone WolfAohO[vQB Lone WolfubNALone WolfubNSN[`[A^[IohB -- sCT/Lone Wolf(7E)tJ[hB Master Counter hBl Mark Dong EoW R CX^g All spells cast this turn are countered when they resolve. ^[AAAB A million ideas will worship one brain. hSm]qB Meak Bears hF Mark Dong EoW P N[`[ -- F(Bear) (2/4) Bury Meek Bears if it is targetted by any spells or effects. Meak Bears\AMeak BearsB "If you're camping in Edgewood, take a mirror along. Keeps the bears away from your food while you're sleeping." -Samana hXhABAHFtB |T}i Mimic h~~bN Lisa Neher EoW R hN[`[ -- ~~bN(Mimic) (*/*) Cumulative Upkeep: U. When Mimic comes into play, it acquires the current power and toughness of target creature. AbvL[vF{}. MimicoAN[`[PIBMimicp[^tlXAIN[`[p[^tlXB "I've got the form down. Now if I can just get the functionality." -Parallax h`BAxP@\B |pNX Miser hKz David Heigho EoW hN[`[ -- Kz(Miser) (1/1) Gain 2 life each time a spell is cast which targets Miser. MiserAQ_CtB Malta is the city of gold; it is a city of splendor and squalor. There are those who must have everything for themselves. And there are those who accept this meekly. h}^ssBsssBv~lXBAXlXB Misfire h Vincent Stephenson EoW P CX^g For target non-interrupt spell with a single target being cast, randomly determine a different target from among the other possibilities of the same type (for example, if a target artifact, determine a different artifact). PCX^gPBKIXBiAuA[eBt@NgvAA[eBt@NgBj -- Mist of Lethe h[e Vincent Stephenson EoW P N[`[ -- ~Xg(Mist) (2/2) s. When Mist of Lethe damages a player, look at one card at random from that player's hand, and that player cannot play that card until after the end of his or her next turn. Mist of LethevC[_[W^AvC[DJ[hPAIJBJJ[hAvC[^[IvCB -- Moat Monster h Maha Shamiyeh EoW Q N[`[ -- X^[(Monster) (2/4) While Moat Monster is untapped, you may not be attacked by non-flying creatures with a toughness of 2 or less. Moat MonsterA^bvAs^tlXQN[`[UB "It's expensive to feed, but it keeps the riffraff out." -Parallax hGTAOB |pNX Morph h David Heigho EoW hN[`[ -- (Morph) (1/1) U: Choose a creature type. Morph now counts as that creature type. Morph still counts as whatever creature types it already counted as. {}FN[`[E^CvPIBMorphA^CvIN[`[E^CvB "Life is change. change is death. What's for dinner?" hB@B@[H Munchskull hW Sean Marshall EoW Q N[`[ -- g[(Troll) (2/4) Munchskull can't be blocked by more than one creature. MunchskullAQN[`[ubNB Polishing bones is as close to art as a troll gets. hAg|pB Mushroom Forest h}bV[X Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW yn Counts as a forest. X,tap: Bring a green creature with a casting cost of X from your hand into play. Treat this creature as if it were just summoned. Mushroom ForestAyn^CvX(Forest)B {w},{s}FDA_}iERXgwN[`[EJ[hPoB Strange regions of all kinds may be found near the edge. Far to the north, it is cool and wet. and the trees give way to mushrooms. hnBkA}bV[B Mutate he Vincent Stephenson EoW w CX^g Put either a +X/-X or a -X/+X counter on target creature. Cannot be cast if power or toughness would be reduced below 1. N[`[PBA+X/-X -X/+X JE^[PuB@Ap[^tlXOvCB "I haven't got the formula quite right - but I'm having lots of fun with the experiments." -Parallax hSBAymB |pNX Necrolink hJ Vincent Stephenson EoW G`g -- I[(Aura) Gain 1 life for each point of damage dealt to target creature Necrolink enchants. You may gain more life than the toughness of the creature Necrolink enchants. G`g(N[`[). G`gN[`[_[W^A_[WlCtB -- Numkin Pixie hiLEsNV[ Lisa Neher EoW Q N[`[ -- tFA[(Faerie) (1/1) G,tap: Target spell which targets a single creature now targets Numkin Pixie instead. This ability is played as an interrupt. {},{s}FPN[`[PBNumkin PixieXB Pixies have a knack for getting into trouble they can't get out of. But somehow, there's still plenty of them around. hsNV[A\BAcB Oodlebug h Sean Marshall EoW P hN[`[ -- (Moth) (1/1) s. Tap: Put a larva counter on target non-green creature.なぜゾウムシは有用である If a creature goes to the graveyard from play, put a moth token into play under your control for each larva counter on that creature. Treat moth tokens and 0/1 green creatures with flying. {s}FN[`[PAlarvaJE^[PuBN[`[SAularvaJE^[PAs (0/1) MothEN[`[Eg[NPoB -- Orcish Informant hI[N Jeff Brain EoW N[`[ -- I[N(Orc) (2/3) Select target opponent when Orcish Informant comes into play. While Orcish Informant is in play, as a fast effect, that opponent may look at the top three cards of your library, and replace them in any order. Orcish InformantoAPlIB Orcish InformantAIACX^gACu[RJ[hBA]B Orcish spies are often effective, but some of them are double agents. hI[NXpCBAldXpCB Over the Edge h Vincent Stephenson EoW Q [hEG`g Any player may counter an interrupt spell by paying life equal to its casting cost; this loss of life cannot be prevented or redirected. This ability is played as an interrupt. Ctw_xFCX^gPABwA_}iERXgB\AvC[NB -- Pandemia hsa Sean Marshall EoW \[T[ Sacrifice a creature to put a -1/-1 counter on each creature in play. PandemiaRXgAN[`[PB SN[`[A -1/-1 JE^[PuB "As you are now, I once was, As I am now, so you will be." -tombstone inscription hABAB |t Philosopher's Stone h Sean Marshall EoW Q A[eBt@Ng 0: Sacrifice an artifact to gain 2 life. A[eBt@NgPFP_CtB "It turns lead into gold, but it's not that useful to me. I've plenty of gold, and lead is in short supply in these parts." -Parallax hBALpBAnsB |pNX Pit Beast hnb Vincent Stephenson EoW R N[`[ -- r[Xg(Beast) (4/4) Pit Beast can't be assigned as an attacker or blocker. 0: sacrifice a creature to give Pit Beast +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the sacrificed creature's power. Pit Beast is not prevented from attacking or blocking this turn. Use this ability only once per turn. gv. Pit BeastAUubNB N[`[PFPit BeastA^[I +X/+0 CuPit BeastAUubNvBwAN[`[p[lB\Ae^[PNB Feed me! hGTI Planar Stalker h Vincent Stephenson EoW Q hN[`[ -- Xg[J[(Stalker) (1/2) Gains banding if you control plains; gains +1/+1 if you control mountains; gains flying if you control islands; gains "B: regenerates" if you control swamps. U. Planar StalkerAn(Plains)Rg[ohA(Island)Rg[sAR(Mountain)Rg[ +1/+1 CA(Swamp)Rg[u{}FN[`[vB -- Prism of Illusions hevY Sean Marshall EoW G`g Cumulative Upkeep: 1; Choose two colors when Prism of Illusions is cast. All permanents that are the first color are changed to the second color while Prism of Illusions is in play. For multi-color permanents, only the chosen color is changed. AbvL[vF{P}. Prism of IllusionsoAFPFPFIBIFSp[}lgAQIFBiFp[}lgAQIPFBj -- Prismatic Aura hFI[ Lisa Neher EoW P CX^g Choose a color; target creature gains protection from that color until end of turn. FPFIB N[`[PB^[IveNV(IF)B "In the light you will find safety. In the darkness, there is only decay. Are you getting this down?" -Shadan hASB @AaB @H |V_ Purify h Sean Marshall EoW P CX^g Remove target non-token permanent from the game. Then, put it into play under its owner's control as if just cast. Purify may only be cast during a player's upkeep. PurifyAAbvL[vB g[Np[}lgPAQ[BAAI[i[Rg[B -- s/Purify(7E)tJ[hB Pyron hfb Vincent Stephenson EoW Q hN[`[ -- fb(Pyron) (2/2) If Pyron is countered, the controller of the spell or effect which countered it loses 3 life. This loss of life can't be prevented or redirected. tap: Sacrifice Pyron to destroy target blue permanent. PyronAPyron\Rg[[AR_CtB {s},PyronFp[}lgPAjB This fire puts out water. hB Rat Caves hlY~ Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW P G`g During your upkeep, play one round of rock-paper-scissors with target opponent. If you lose or tie, nothing happens. If you win, put a Rat token into play under your control. Treat Rat token as a 1/1 black creature. AbvL[vJnAPlBvC[WPBWPANBWPA (1/1) lY~(Rat)EN[`[Eg[NPoB -- Reshechi Cat hV`L Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW Q N[`[ -- L(Cat) (2/2) All spells targetting Reshechi Cat cost an additional 2 to cast. Reshechi CatRXg{Q}B "I woke up to see that hideous smile hovering over me. when I got back to Malta, I got rid of our house cat. I don't like cats any more." -Samana hoAOjjB}^ALoBLB |T}i Sacrificial Beast hp Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW Q N[`[ -- r[Xg(Beast) (1/4) When Sacrificial Beast is in play, treat its casting cost as 6. Sacrificial BeastASacrificial Beast_}iERXgUB They were bred for slaughter, but they never seemed to take to it. hzEBzDB Sanctuary h David Heigho EoW ww \[T[ Remove all creatures from play, and get X Sanctuary tokens. All enchantments and tokens remain on the creatures. At the beginning of each of your upkeeps, remove one Sanctuary token. When the last Sanctuary token is removed, return the creatures to the game. X cannot be 0. SanctuaryAsanctuaryJE^[wuoB SN[`[BASG`gJE^[cB AbvL[vJnASanctuarysanctuaryJE^[PBSanctuarysanctuaryJE^[ASanctuarySN[`[G`gJE^[oBwOB -- Sand Viper hwr Jeff Brain EoW P N[`[ -- oCp[(Viper) (1/2) Tap: Put a Venom counter on target creature. Bury an creature with 3 or more Venom counters. {s}FN[`[PBvenomJE^[PuBvenomJE^[RuAN[`[jBB "I've been bitten and lived, But few can say that." -Samana hBlB |T}i Shadan hV_ Vincent Stephenson EoW R `N[`[ (2/3) 1U: Choose a color; Shadan gains protection from that color until end of turn. 1U: Choose a color; all creatures lose protection from that color until end of turn. {P}FFPFIBShadanA^[IAveNV(IF)B {P}FFPFIBSN[`[A^[IAIFveNVB Shadan founded the Church Of The Last Cause. They believe that the end of the world will begin at the edge of the world. hV_AMOBAIEnMB Shadow he Jeff Brain EoW P N[`[ -- Vh[(Shadow) (2/2) Shadow is not affected by spells or effects that do not target it. Resolve these effects as if Shadow were not in play. ShadowA\eB\AShadowB Every light casts shadows - but some shadows require no light. he|||KveB Shadows of the Dead he Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW Q CX^g Put X Shadow of Death tokens into play under your control, where X is the number of creatures in your graveyard. Treat these tokens as 0/1 black creatures. (0/1) Shadow-Of-DeathEN[`[Eg[NwoBwAnN[`[EJ[hB "It was a lot easier to kill the second time, And I got out of there before there could be a third." -Samana hQEPBROB |T}i Slaves of the Pit hng Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW P hN[`[ -- g(Slave) (1/1) Tap: Add B to your mana pool. Play this ability as an interrupt. At the beginning of your main phase, if Slaves Of The Pit are untapped, tap them, and add B to your mana pool. {s}F}iEv[{}B CEtFCYJnASlaves of the PitA^bvASlaves of the Pit^bvA}iEv[{}B - Their conditioning had been too good; the slaves never stopped working. even when their tasks were finished. hBg~BdIB Soul Leech hz Jeff Brain EoW P hN[`[ -- z(Soul-Leech) (2/2) A player damaged by Soul Leech has their current life total, after damage is dealt, become a new maximum limit on their life; if they ever have more life than this, their life total is immediately reduced to this limit. Soul Leech_[W^vC[A_[W^CtvACtBCtACtB -- Spirit Wall h Vincent Stephenson EoW R N[`[ -- (Wall) (0/5) Gain 1 life for each point of damage dealt to Spirit Wall by creatures. You may gain more life than the toughness of Spirit Wall. hq. N[`[Spirit Wall_[W^A_[WlCtB -- Statue h Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) Target non-wall creature Statue enchants now counts as a wall and gains +0/+3. G`g(N[`[). G`gN[`[A+0/+3 C(Wall)AhqB "You'd look nice in my garden..." -Parallax hOf... |pNX Sylph hVt Maha Shamiyeh EoW P N[`[ -- tFA[(Faerie) (2/1) s,Rn. -- The Fated h^ Jeff Brain EoW P N[`[ -- NbN(Cleric) (1/1) Choose target permanent when The Fated enters play. If that permanent would take lethal damage, or is destroyed, buried, removed from the game, or taken under another player's control, treat that effect as if the chosen permanent were not in play, and bury The Fated. Cannot prevent a permanent from destroying itself. The FatedoAp[}lgPIBp[}lgAvC[Rg[AAThe FatedB -- The Machine That Builds Itself h@B Jennifer Rain Sherwin EoW S A[eBt@NgEN[`[ (2/3) 2, tap: Put either a +1/+0 counter or a +0/+1 counter on The Machine That Builds Itself. {Q},{s}FThe Machine That Builds ItselfA+1/+0 +0/+1 JE^[PuB "Everything takes too long to build. From now on, my creations shall finish the task themselves." -Parallax hd\zBAidgIB |pNX Thieves' Guild hMh Sean Marshall EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) 1RR: Tap land Thieves' Guild enchants to change the text on target non-wall non-artifact creature by adding "1RR,tap: gain control of target artifact. Lose control of that artifact if this creature leaves play or you lose control of this creature." G`g(yn). {P},G`gyn^bvF(Wall)A[eBt@NgN[`[PB^[Iu{P},{s}FA[eBt@NgPARg[BN[`[N[`[Rg[ARg[vB It's only the law if you obey. hO]@B Time Barrier h Shawn Klimek and Heather Logas EoW P N[`[ -- (Wall) (0/5) All creatures blocked by Time Barrier are returned to their owner's hand at the end of combat. hq. Time BarrierN[`[ubNAIATime BarrierubNN[`[I[i[DB Time does not work the same way at the Edge. and many travellers have been astonished to encounter themselves leaving upon their approach. hAnBAlAgB Trick or Treat hqC^Y Jeff Brain EoW \[T[ Target opponent chooses: either Trick Or Treat deals 4 damage to that opponent, or you gain 6 life. PlBvC[PIBuTrick or TreatAvC[S__[W^vuU_Ctv The children's costumes looked so real... hq{... Warmonger hl Jeff Brain EoW Q hN[`[ -- R(General) (1/1) RR: Reveal the top card of your library and the to card of target opponent's library. If one of these cards has a lower casting cost than the other, place that card in its owner's graveyard. {}FPlBvC[Cu[J[hCu[J[hJBJ[hA_}iERXgJ[hAJ[hI[i[nuB -- s/Warmonger(MM)tJ[hB Wizard's Ban hpt Vincent Stephenson EoW P G`g Name a spell when Wizard's Ban is cast. That spell is countered any time it is cast. Pay U during your upkeep or bury Wizard's Ban. Wizard's BanoAJ[hPwB wJ[hAAB AbvL[vJnA{}xAWizard's BanB "When dealing with other wizards, it is necessary to be firm. When I say no, I mean it." -Parallax h@gtAxKvBAm[{CB |pNX Wizard's Guild hptMh Shawn Klimek EoW P G`g -- I[(Aura) 1UU: tap target land Wizard's Guild enchants to change the text on target non-wall non-artifact creature by adding "tap: This creature deals 1 damage to target creature or player. This ability may not be used during a player's draw phase." G`g(yn). {P},G`gyn^bvFA[eBt@NgN[`[PB^[Iu{s}FN[`[PvC[PlBN[`[AP__[W^B\Ah[EXebvvCvB -- Wonderland h Jeff Brain EoW yn When Wonderland comes into play, put a white counter, a blue counter, a black counter, a red counter, and a green counter on it. tap: Remove one of these counters from Wonderland to add one mana to your mana pool of the same color as the counter. WonderlandAAh(white)JE^[PAh(blue)JE^[PAh(black)JE^[PAh(red)JE^[PAh(green)JE^[PuoB {s},WonderlandJE^[PF}iEv[AJE^[FF}iP_B -- Wood Nymph hjt Vincent Stephenson EoW hN[`[ -- jt(Nymph) (1/1) When Wood Nymph attacks, defending player must block it with at least one creature if he or she can legally do so. Wood NymphUAhvC[APWood NymphubN\N[`[Wood NymphubNB If you see a maiden walking alone in Edgewood, don't follow her. Those who do, follow forever. hXAlABAivB Writ of Conscription h Vincent Stephenson EoW CX^g Draw a card. While Writ Of Conscription is in your hand, you may pay 1W and discard a non-land card as fast effect to put a soldier token into play. Treat this token as a 1/1 white creature with first strike. You must show Writ Of Conscription to all players whenever you use this ability. J[hPB CX^gADWrit of ConscriptionJ{P}xDynJ[hPBA (1/1) m(Soldier)EN[`[Eg[NPoB --
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